Friday, December 4, 2009


End Creditouilles
From Walt Disney

If you're only going to buy one song from Rataouille, this is a great one5
Usually, I don't purchase an entire album. I like to pick a song here and there from a movie and make a purchase for only a couple bucks instead of the cost of the entire album.

One thing about movie soundtracks is that the songs can sometimes be very very short. So you pay almost $1 for a 30-60 second soundtrack clip from the movie.

If you want to stretch that dollar a little further, purchase the end credits from the movie. Generally, the end credits play at least 3 themes from the movie.

Instead of purchasing all three themes independently, purchase the end-credits soundtrack that has them all.

The Ratatouille end-credits track has lots of different themes, and some that I don't remember hearing in the movie. Instead of 60 seconds worth of music for about a $1, you get 9 minutes and 16 seconds worth of music! Talk about a bargain!


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